Category: Uncategorized

  • Violation of Usage of Android Advertising ID policy and section 4.8 of the Developer Distribution Agreement

    This week we got an email from Google about our demo game Adventure Text that we had released to the public ten or so days before on the Google Play Store. The game was removed from the Play Store with this email being the only notification after the fact. The public couldn’t see it, couldn’t…

  • Demo Text Adventure Game Released on Google Play

    Hi Harmony here…. We released the demo game for our Text Adventure framework on the Google Play Store this week. The Code for the Project is available on GITHUB: Quick Start Instructions for building a 2D Unity project are available on the README. More detailed information is available in the ZuluOneZero – DevBlog.…

  • Text Adventure Design and Programming

    Hi Xander here…. This post is about the design and build of our Text Adventure game over the course of a week. This was a “proof of concept” project to make a framework for a text based game that could be re-used and expanded on for future use. It’s not a polished game but an…

  • A Week of Text Adventures

    Hi Harmony here…. Last week we spent completely side tracked from our usual projects and decided to create a Text Adventure game in a week. It was a great idea and everyone feels like they have had a holiday from the daily grind. Just going with a new idea and playing it out in a…

  • Text Adventure

    I started the New Year feeling a little dispirited and un-enthused. It takes Sooooo long to finish a game so that when your attention is flagging it just makes it seem worse. To remedy that I woke up one morning with a new idea for a game and feeling spirited again I decided it would…

  • Endless Unity Camera Tricks

    In our game currently under development called Endless Elevator I decided to add a new feature of more depth.  The game is 2.5D and mostly sits in a very shallow Z axis, a limited X axis, and an endless Y axis. As the name suggests your character is inside a never ending building trying to…

  • Making a Custom Navigation Mesh for AI

    Hi Xander here… This week I decided to totally redo the way I have been handling character movement. I used to have a free ranging character controller that basically moved in the direction your joystick wanted. I never really had that as my vision for this game as I wanted a more 2.5D feel to…

  • Getting a Foot in the Door of Game Design

    First of all – sorry about the misleading title – this post is about getting the doors working in the Endless Elevator game that we are currently developing. I thought it was a good pun and that as this post is all about our development process that it wasn’t too bad. The only career advice I got…

  • Oversharing About Overriding

    The idea of a class and how objects, scripts or behaviours are implemented in Unity is pretty straightforward. Each object or type is a class and each script is a sub class of the MonoBehaviour class. So we are using classes all the time. Even if a script isn’t a behaviour, like a controller script…

  • Why Normalize()

    I’ve been doing some work on the AI for enemy behaviours for an unreleased game Endless Elevator and have been delving into the book “Unity 2018 Artificial Intelligence Cookbook – Second Edition” by Jorge Palacios. It uses the Normalize() function regularly to record the direction of an object in relation to another object and it…