Author: Zulu OneZero

  • Key Quest! Google Play Store Key Signing and the Pain of a Long Slow Death

    Should Google Manage Your Keys for Games built with Unity? We recently had a problem that caused weeks of pain and struggle and it had nothing to do with coding. It was the damn java keystore signing process that we signed up for on the Google Play Store. The basics are that the Google Play…

  • Crushed by Elevator!

    We got some feedback from the Endless Elevator Mechanics demo that we did a few days ago that compared it to the old Taito game Elevator Action (See some classic 1983 Game Play footage here: I did love that game. Especially the music which I still find running around in my brain box decades later.…

  • Google Play Store Leaderboard Integration

    This month we integrated our newest game The Dog Run with the Google Play Store Leaderboard service.  It looks, and possibly even should have been, really easy but in this reality it wasn’t.  One big problem that  was really time consuming was that we used the Google key signing service and then had an issue…

  • ZuluOneZero takes “The Dog Run” for a walk on the Google Play Store

      An Endless Runner for Android goes into Beta Testing. Take your dog for a run – it’s good for your heart – and supports animal rescue! This is a free game – with no pop ups. In the Alpha release there is the option to watch ads. All profits from the ads go to…

  • Voxellated Procrastination

      Oh My DOG! Playing with MagicalVoxel is fun! I don’t know what made me open it up. A little bit of frustration with my Dog Run game that’s not really going anywhere that I was happy with. If you feel like doing some beta testing and telling me where I’ve got it all wrong…

  • How to Backup Unity Projects

    Unity projects need to be backed up. There’s a lot of options and lot’s of questions to ask yourself. The big question is…could you recreate your project from scratch if something happened to it? Does your Design or Build documentation cover off every tweak and setting of all your scenes, objects, and prefabs? What about…

  • The Kit

    This is the hardware and software that I’m currently using to make games. My main machine is a Venom BlackBox laptop. It’s got an i5 Intel Core and 8 GB of RAM. The OS c:\ drive is flash and the d:\ storage drive is SAS. so the operating system stays fast but it also has…

  • Make a Promotional Video for your Mobile Game

    One of the best ways to get noticed on the App Store (any one) is to have a video that markets your games best assets. We recently did one for NumBlocks which has, in all honesty, been struggling to make an impact on the Play Store. The game is elegantly simple and looks great. It…

  • Inspiration


    I was getting rather upset with myself for not finishing my game yet. I had spent a lot of time learning how to get the animation of the dog into a state that wasn’t completely crap but … that a game does not make. I couldn’t visualize what the game was about anymore and I…

  • Animating the Running Dog with Unity and GIMP

    I finally got the game I started in November into some semblance of how I wanted it to look.  The running dog animation anyway.  Still playing with different backgrounds but this one is sure “fun”. It took a long time to get all the dog actions done drawing each one by hand and getting a…