Endless Elevator – Last Week of Beta Testing

Hi Harmony here,

I’d like to thank the wonderful Beta Testers who have signed up for our Open Beta of Endless Elevator over the last month. I was really surprised how many people responded to our call and very grateful to all those who provided feedback.

The Open Beta is still running for another week so there is still time to try the pre-release game: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.ZuluOneZero.EndlessElevator

Then head over to our Beta Landing Page if you want to give us some feedback.


Your feedback helps us make a better game – thank you!

One feature of our Beta Testing was opening multiple channels to provide users to get back to us. Not only did we use the Google Play Beta Feedback and Stars system but we also took feedback on email and through social media. One new thing we did was to incorporate a chat channel on our Beta Landing Page where users could provide anonymous feedback directly on to our web site. I feel that the anonymity of this format was a really important source of quality comments for us.

Our Chat Page

Happy Playing – Harmony Out.

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